Cloud Outliner - Outline Maker App Reviews

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No localization

The app has no German localization as it is described in the App Store. Big minus for this. App itself has a well designed UI and is a good alternative to highly overpriced competitors.

Simple, Elegant Better than Omni Outliner

Ive been a long time user of omni outliner (OO), I became frustrated with their IOS applications and lack of functionality, bloat. This application gives me everything I need in a simple package thats easy-to-use and a lot less than than OO. Plus this vsrsion (2) has a powerful can search capability. Unfortunately, you cannot search the contents of your notes attached to an ouline item. Overall, a great 2.0 iteration and worth the money.

Simple, efficient, connected outliner

I am a big consumer of outliner software — Omni Outliner through many web-only ones — and this is the best of the bunch. Why? It does everything simply, it’s cloud connected, the interface is great and it works across Mac platforms — desktop, iPad, iPhone — very easily without any real setup aside from creating a user profile. It would be nice if one could export to more than just 5 different formats (e.g., MS Word), but that’s OK. It’s great value for the price, which is really what sets it apart from others like Omni, which are incredibly expensive and don’t work well across platforms (easily).

Powerful and great value

Nearly as powerful as the Omni product but at a significantly reduced price. I got the Mac app as well and enjoy now and enjoy working seamessly on my outlines on whatever device I happen to have in front of me. Highly recommended!


日本語入力が出来ないとのレビューが在りますが OS X El Capitan 10.11.2の環境で Preferences > Shortcutsで「Add New row」が デフォルトの「return」から「⌘+return」とかに 変更すれば日本語の入力は問題なくできています OmniOutlinerの様に一度目の「return」で入力 もう一度「return」で新しい空白行を作成の方が解りやすいですね


必要最小限のシンプルな機能にコンパクトにまとめられていると思います。 【GOOD】 ・階層構造の構築の仕方と、それらを実行するためのショートカットキーが多く非常に助かる。 ・またショートカットキーも任意で変更できるので自分仕様にカスタマイズがしやすい。 ・フォントカラーが原色よりも少し淡い色合いのため、目に優しく情報の優先度や重要度にヒエラルキーをつけやすい。 【BAD】 ・外部メディア (メールやSNS) とのシェアをする際に、たまにアプリが強制終了になってしまい、データが消えて、少し前の状態から作業をやり直す必要が出てくることがありました。 ・メニューが全て英語表記のため、英単語と日本語との翻訳作業(日本語化)に多少時間がかかるかもです。  Add New Low → 新しい列を作成  Add Child Low → インデントを1つ字下げして、新しい列を作成  Add Aunt Low → インデントを1つ字上げして、新しい列を作成  Move Up → 選択している列を上に移動  Move Down → 選択している列を下に移動  Incerease Indents → 選択している列のインデントを増やす  Decerease Indents → 選択している列のインデントを減らす  Go to New Line → 改行 以上、”Edit (編集)”メニューのショートカットキーの割り当てで、普段使いが多く効率化が計れるものをピックアップしてみました。 ご参考までに。 総合的に、ビジネスシーンなどでの活躍や、プログラマーにとって手の馴染み方が優れている製品だと感じました。

Mac version does not sync with iOS versions

application is nice but has fundemental week behaviour - does NOT SYN C with iOS. It makes me big problem because I cannot sync what I do on Mac with what I do on iPhone and iPad. I will switch to Omni Outliner. It is much more expensive but all the functions work properly

Poorly maintained, crash prone app

The app crashes a lot, there are UI glitches, the interface is not intuitive and still there are no updates. Exporting to PDF is broken – it cuts off random parts of longer outlines. Sync between Mac and iOS version is inconsistent. This app is a joke.

For the price it’s a great app

At first I didn’t want to buy the app because of the two other reviews but I bought it anyway during the 70% off sale. After having tested it for some time here’s my review: 1. The app DOES sync via iCloud. But the iOS app seems to be buggy and won’t register the sync correctly until you force a sidebar refresh. At first I thought the sync was broken but when I accidentally created a group in the iOS app the outlines from the Mac suddenly appeared. Syncing back from the iPad to the Mac didn’t require any extra steps. So there’s that: iCloud sync does work but there seems to be a little bug in the iOS version. (I hope the dev reads reviews in our little god forsaken Polish app store section). 2. The app itself is a great little outliner. For the price it’s really good. Of course it doesn’t offer features like Omni’s Outliner (which costs 50 to 100 Euros). But you can get simple outlines (the app supports only one column) done quickly. Even if it’s not visible on the screenshots the app can display multiple lines of text per outline item. You just have to turn this on in the View menu (the preferences setting only works for documents you create after you set the option - so the current outline won’t be affected. which can be a little confusing.). You can also hide the check boxes and disable the numbering. 3. I can’t say much about stability because I’ve been using the app just for one day - but it didn’t crash yet. 4. What’s a little annoying is that you don’t see the cursor when select an outline item (in OmniOutliner you always see the blinking cursor at the end of the item so you know exactly where text will be added when you start typing). This absence of a cursor leads to me pressing the Enter key which will create a new outline item and not start editing the selected one as I would expect. This is confusing because on OS X no control acts this way. 5. Also somewhat illogical is the choice to use the Tab key to switch between the sidebar and the outline editor and not to use it to indent outline items. BUT this is only a default setting and can be changed in the preferences! (You can re-bind quiet a lot of actions there so that’s a plus). 6. I like the uncluttered design. The ‘dark mode’ is nice. (There’s no support for styles and templates so if you need those this is probably the wrong app for you). Overall: Great outliner. Can’t compete with Omni’s flagship for features BUT it gets stuff done and if you don’t want to create huge complex outlines which remind one of Excel then you will be a very happy camper with this app here. Another plus is the iPhone app which Omni lacks (they only support iPad).

Works great for me.

Love how it is synced between my mac and my iphone. Just need to get it on my PC and it will be perfect.

Very good

A bit to learn, but then easy to use.

Easy to use, customizable, syncs with iOS version

Very easy to use - simple, straightforward interface doesn’t get in the way of your work Highly customizable - you can tweak keyboard shortcuts so that the program works the way you think, rather than having to change your workflow to suit the program. Syncs with iOS version - this is a great feature to have, but unfortunately uses iCloud so is sometimes delayed… would be better if it used dropbox or another service. In addition to outlining, I find the app to be PERFECT for creating packing lists, due to support for checkboxes

Does not save properly

Using this app to organize my thoughts and to outline my thesis. Major cons in not able to save properly where nearly every few lines are cut off despite quadruple checking everything and shortening each line and inability to make font smaller for printout purposes (12 is the minimum but it takes up so much paper). Really wish I can format in the line where I can bold/italicize/underline specific keywords within a line (currently only able to set the entire line rather than a portion). Aesthetically more pleasing than Microsoft Word and able to add small notes directly under a line makes it really easy for citing sources. The inability to actually save and print (via the PDF option) without missing information renders this useless for me. Also emailed the developers weeks ago and no response.

Pretty good organizer

I am pretty hapy about the cloud sync aspect of this. it is very helpful in keeping me organized. Keep it up!

i wanted to like this after reading the Macworld review

tried it. Like the simplicity! But then putting it in iCloud and then updating the outline I noticed some strange behavior and then today, the current outline documents don’t refresh and spinning attempting to update. Tried all sorts of things including resigning into iCloud. No luck. I am back using Omnioutliner (which is more complicated to use) but it always works. drat.

Syncs quickly and accurately to iOS,

If you want an easy to use outliner that works with OS and iOS, I higly recommend this app and its sister, ios app. Simply put, they work. Virtullyh instant sync, so if you put an item in a list, then grab your iphone and head out, you’ll find it there before you’re out the door. Minor bugs, but none that loose data, and their tech people are responsive. I have Omnioutliner, and it proved way to complicated to use, and laden with stuff I’ll never need—as someone who wants an outliner that can do many-layered outlines, but without adding columns.

Good but could be better

The one thing that is lacking is the ability to save outlines into a Word format. There are work arounds but that one simple modification would grant the app 5 Starts rather than 4.

Has potential to be the best, but...

It doesn’t work. I feel like i’ve been ripped off. Having said that, If they are serious about building this out it has the potential to be the best outline/gtd app on the market. If, like Omnioutliner you could click on a file and see the contents on the right, and then drill down to at least a single project level this would be awesome. Also, you would need to be able to drag actions from one folder to another.

Good app; , meets my needs

I mainly use on my Mac and view on my iPhone. I like working with a mouse when possible. Cloud Outliner 2 Pro works well for me. No issues after two months. It is simple & helpful. Like it so far.

Great, with one significant annoyance.

I have to spend too much time pondering: 1) “Is the data on THIS device the latest?” 2) If not, why? 3) How exactly can I resolve the question NOW? With enough network juggling, resigning in, and PATIENCE it pretty much always settles out properly. And doesn’t take a realllly long time. I understand there are limitations on how quickly CO2 can get synced but I surely the UI gave more helpful information on how to minimize this issue. I’d also like to attach rich content to bullet items (links, pics)

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