I use this app on both OS X and iOS. In my iOS review, I noted my initial skepticism at the fawning reviews for this outliner—they looked like paid placements. But, whether that’s the case or not, this is a nice little outliner. My needs are pretty simple—I want to outline what I read. I don’t need fancy presentation features, and the more uncluttered the interface, the more I like it. I gave the iOS app high marks on both points, and I give this version the same high marks
The OS X version synced up immediately with the iOS version, which means I can use the OS X version when I’m working at my desk, and the iOS version when I’m not. For ten bucks, it’s a great lille outliner. Paired with the iOS version, it’s about all I need. I can recommend it without reservation.
Laguna Backpacker about Cloud Outliner - Outline Maker